What a fun and exciting day for Advantedge Education! Being lifelong learners at heart, we are always open to new inspiration and experiences. We completed our first ever professional video production in front of a green screen and wanted to share these images with you. It’s not often you get […]
We have a summer home, a little cottage on an island in upstate New York. Since the cottage is on an island that we can’t get to in the fall, in the spring I’m faced with huge piles of leaves that have been sitting there for 7 months. I have […]
I recently attended a meeting where the owners of Upstate Concierge Medicine presented on the topic of telemedicine. As an educator I am intrigued with telemedicine and I really didn’t know much about how it works. If you read health news regularly, you’ll see that telemedicine is a rapidly growing commodity […]
Recently, my husband became ill. I’m a nurse, and if you know anything about nurses, we don’t like to run to the doctor unless we are absolutely sure this is necessary. Just ask my kids. His illness began the evening prior when we ate with some friends. We all shared […]
We’re excited about our updated Infection Control Training for Healthcare Professionals in NYS course! Sure, learners frequently share what they really like about our approach to online continuing education, but learners are also our best source of feedback to help us continue to improve. You asked and we heard you. One […]
Have you ever thought about how much touch is a part of our lives? Touch actually begins in the womb, according to Dr. David Linden and Martha Thomas in an article in the AARP magazine titled, The Amazing Power of Touch. Emotional bonds are forged through touch with our children, […]