Have you ever thought about how much touch is a part of our lives? Touch actually begins in the womb, according to Dr. David Linden and Martha Thomas in an article in the AARP magazine titled, The Amazing Power of Touch. Emotional bonds are forged through touch with our children, […]
Healthcare news
Did you know that 30 million people are currently affected by hearing loss? More than 40% of individuals over age 60, and 60% of those older than 70 will face hearing loss. And these are just the facts. Think about it…if you don’t know someone with a hearing loss, you […]
What’s the best way to reduce rates of hospital-acquired infections (HAIs)? Should hospital patients learn more about hand hygiene? Does cleaning require use of more powerful chemicals? Should healthcare providers administer fewer red blood cell transfusions? According to a new study from Cornell University, the most cost-effective solution doesn’t involve medical care, training, […]
Heart disease and cancer are the top two causes of death in the United States. Are preventable medical errors the third? According to one estimate, as many as 440,000 patients who are hospitalized each year suffer some type of preventable harm that contributes to their death. Bedside shift report (BSR) […]
American girls are reaching puberty at significantly younger ages than their mothers and grandmothers. For Caucasian girls in the United States, the average age at which puberty begins has been declining steadily for decades. Notably, however, the most dramatic decrease occurred between 1997 and 2011 and consisted of girls entering […]
Did you know that there are almost 100,000 health apps for smartphones? By 2017, they’ll be a $26 billion industry. When coupled with sensors, there are apps that track your eating habits, apps that remind you to sit up straight, and apps that (supposedly) make you smarter. Brain games are […]