In light of the COVID-19 global pandemic, Advantedge Education has adjusted its live phone support hours to provide staff the ability to balance homeschooling and work. Beginning April 20, 2020 the new phone support hours will be reduced to the hours of 8:30 am to 3 pm EST Monday-Friday. We […]
Healthcare news
Happy New Year! We hope you had a wonderful holiday season and wish you all the successes 2019 has to offer. We may have been quiet, but we’ve been working in the background on significant changes at Advantedge Education. Our greatest priority is to constantly improve your learning experience making […]
In October 2017, Governor Cuomo signed into law amendments to Public Health Law § 239 and Education Law § 6505 requiring the addition of sepsis awareness and education training to the New York State-mandated Infection Control and Barrier Precautions coursework. The new element entitled “Element VII – Sepsis Awareness and […]
Who would think that over-the-counter (OTC) “anything” would be so controversial? But hearing devices? Amplified hearing aids are so complicated, and their OTC approval and acceptance will go through many hoops before consumers are able to get access to more affordable amplification. Access to over-the-counter hearing aids can open the […]
Nurse bullying is alive and well in our current health care environment. But is it a new problem? “Nurses eating their young” has plagued our nursing profession for decades. Maybe that’s why the American Nurses Association decided to address this problem when they created the Code of Ethics. The ANA […]
Hamburgers, hot dogs, watermelon, beer, fireworks, and noise-induced hearing loss?! Not for me thanks. This 4th of July, consider adding ear protection to your fireworks tradition. Most of us don’t consider our hearing when we’re out celebrating Independence Day with our family and friends. But you should. Adults should not be […]